giovedì 5 marzo 2009

I vantaggi del fanatismo

Brain Differences Found Between Believers In God And Non-believers

Scopro (grazie ad Andrew Sullivan) i vantaggi che offre l'avere una mente fondamentalista.


«Their findings show religious belief has a calming effect on its devotees, which makes them less likely to feel anxious about making errors or facing the unknown. But Inzlicht cautions that anxiety is a "double-edged sword" which is at times necessary and helpful.

"Obviously, anxiety can be negative because if you have too much, you're paralyzed with fear," he says. "However, it also serves a very useful function in that it alerts us when we're making mistakes. If you don't experience anxiety when you make an error, what impetus do you have to change or improve your behaviour so you don't make the same mistakes again and again?"»

Nota a margine.
Credo sia per questo che Berlusconi non abbia mai chiesto scusa per i suoi errori; ma non perché è un religioso. No, perché si sente una divinità.

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